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Lu Shouyan looked at her like this, The brow bone moved slightly, and without saying anything, he went straight to a jeep on top.

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After the stone gate of the mausoleum is closed, the natural stone rolls along the groove, and it happens to be on the two sides. This is also the last barrier of the imperial mausoleum. Lu Shouyan was also a little curious Then how to open it Chu Wan If you want to To open the natural stone, you need a key, called the crutch key, when the archaeologists found Yi Jiuye, he helped to unlock the crutch key, and then opened the gate of Dingling.

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At that time, Lu Shouyan stood upright in a military posture, like a sharp knife, handsome and vigorous, and also had the youthful demeanor, while she was standing beside him, but she was still very petite, looking up at him foolishly. She thought it was funny Why was I so stupid when I was a child Lu Shouyan bowed his head and looked at it together It s pretty stupid.

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At that time, Lu Shouyan should have been less than twenty years old, but he had already graduated from the military academy and became a promising officer. In the end, the third brother used the money he had saved to plug the hole for him.