What Laser Hair Removal/Skin treatments do we offer?
The Smooth Cool System (Cool Intelligent Pulsed Light) is suitable for most skin types and tones, including dark and tanned skin. Its unique design, longer wavelength and innovative cooling design, allow extremely effective, safe and permanent results.
The Cool Intelligent Pulsed Light can treat fine hair on a woman’s upper lip just as easily and effectively as the coarse hair on a man’s back. The cooled hand piece increases comfort and minimizes adverse skin reaction commonly seen with other treatments.
Which areas can be treated with laser skin treatment ?
- Upper lip, chin, beards, jawline
- Underarms and arms
- Legs and bikini
- Back and shoulders
- Chest and abdomen
- Nose, ears and neck
Are the Laser Hair Removal or Laser Skin Treatments painful?
No. Intelligent Contact Cooling completely protects the epidermis up to 0.5 mm below the skin. Integrated Temperature Sensor reads the temperature of the skin during the treatment and allows emission when the specified skin temperature is reached. This cooling element makes the procedure pain free.
How long does the Laser Hair Removal treatment take?
It will depend on the size of the areas to be treated.
How many Laser Hair Removal treatments will I need?
Most areas require a series of multiple Laser Hair Removal treatments. During your free Laser Hair Removal consultation, we will determine the number of treatments required and exact cost.
How soon will I see results?
You will start seeing results immediately.
Is there any downtime?
No, you will be able to resume normal activities straight after the Laser Hair Removal treatment.
Additional Treatments:
Organic Peels
Microneedling with RF
Body Acne Treatment
Wart, Skin Tag & Mole Removal
Laser Skin Treatments
Pumpkin Pulp Resurfacing
Scar Reduction & Removal