Body Acne Treatment

Body Acne

Body acne can be as serious as facial acne when it comes to an individual’s self-image. It is very possible for someone without facial acne to have body acne, and it can lead to a reluctance to wear certain clothing or participate in activities like swimming. Body acne can be found anywhere on the body, but is most commonly found on the chest, back, shoulders, and buttocks. Most experts believe the condition is tied into genetics, and the thick skin on the body often has large pores, making outbreaks noticeable and severe. There are only two places invulnerable to body acne which are the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet due to the lack of sebaceous follicles.

Though genetics are likely involved, no one knows the exact cause for body acne. What experts do know is body acne is easily aggravated by contact with damp, sweaty clothing.

What are the best ways to minimize body acne?

There is no way to eliminate irritation along the body completely, but wearing cotton clothing, showering after workouts and being aware of potential irritants can help reduce flare-ups. Other ways to control body acne include:

  • Wearing clothing made from fibers that wick moisture away from the skin
  • Using non-comedogenic moisturizers or gentle ones designed for the face
  • Applying a benzoyl peroxide product (which flushes follicles) to affected areas after showering
  • Using an acne cleanser for skin on the entire body
  • Carrying a handbag instead of a purse if the rubbing action causes acne
  • Avoiding fabric softeners or any laundry additives which leave residue on clothes

Can body acne be cured?

Body acne can be treated with topical products. Because body acne is considered to be influenced by genetics, there may never be a way to be completely free from breakouts. That being said, there are ways to effectively treat body acne; some people do see almost complete resolution, though it can’t be called a cure.


There are several treatments for body acne and some options may include:

Laser Treatment
New developments in laser skin treatments can be effective in healing body acne. Laser treatments work to kill acne-causing bacteria by targeting overactive sebaceous glands under the skin. Laser technologies are effective for treating both active body acne problems and residual scars.

An effective method of treating body acne scars, microdermabrasion uses a high-speed brush to remove dead skin cells and allow new skin to grow.

Additional Treatments:

Organic Peels
Microneedling with RF
Wart, Skin Tag & Mole Removal
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Skin Treatments
Pumpkin Pulp Resurfacing
Scar Reduction & Removal

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