Photo Facial Treatment – The Real Game Changer for Your Skin

Photo Facial Treatment – The Real Game Changer for Your Skin

Are skin imperfections impacting your confidence? Due to the sun exposure, age and several other factors, skin loosening and creases start to develop on our skin. Nobody likes it for sure and no one wants to actually see it on the face.

Photo Facial Treatment

Photo-facial is a non-invasive procedure to get rid of any imperfection on your facial skin. Intense of pulse of light is penetrated into the skin. Due to this procedure, blood vessels and collagen below the epidermis tightens and this reduces redness as well as fine lines.

Who Needs PhotoFacial

Photo Rejuvenation Treatment

Well, this treatment which is also known as Photo Rejuvenation is suitable for anyone whether a man or a woman. However, this is not for the pregnant ladies and people suffering from skin disorders already. At the same time, make sure that you consult a licensed Photo Facial expert for this.

Preparation Needed for Photofacial

It is essential to avoid exposure to sun seven prior to the photo facial treatment. Products that consist of Alpha Hydroxy, Tazorac, Retinol and Differin must be avoided too.

How Can it Last Longer

You must do everything to avoid sun exposure after the treatment especially the initial 7 days. Use effective sunblock creams with SPF 30 or may be higher to prevent sun burns. A branded Vitamin C Serum is also an escape and brings good results.

Consult A Licensed Photofacial Professional

Lina Diminno is one of the leading licensed Photo Facial Treatment expert who provide photo rejuvenation services in Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Barrie and Sharon.

The results of Photo Facial can be observed gradually. You’ll experience a rather smoother skin after the treatment and it will have an even tone. However, the improvements are gradual and not overnight. Three to Five treatments have shown fairly great results.

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